Teen Funko Pop Yourself!

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Urbandale Public Library
Meeting Room A/B

Event Details

Customize and create your own mini “Funko Pop” Figure to take home. We will provide the 3D-printed figure and clay to mold details such as hair, accessories, and paint to decorate it. Enjoy creating your own trendsetting collectible figure! 

This program is open to tweens and teens ages 10-17 only, and registration is required as each session has occupancy limits. 

Choose the session that works best for you (both are the same craft): 

Please note that 10-14 and 13-17 are suggested age ranges for each session but as long as you are between the ages of 10-17 you can sign up for either time that works best for your schedule. 

Event Type(s): Arts & Crafts
Age Group(s): Teens

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